Course Offerings
Social Sciences
World Hist Cult/Geo is designed to examine major turning points in the shaping of the modern world from the Enlightenment to Post World War II. Focus is made on democratic ideals, revolutions and the world wars as they shaped and fostered growing interdependence of peoples and cultures throughout the world.
US History is designed with a selective review of American history from the Founding of the Nation to 9/11. First semester studies the larger themes of US Founding; Civil War and Reconstruction; Immigration, Industrialization and Progressivism; US Imperialism; the 1920’s and the Great Depression. Second semester studies the larger themes of WWII; Cold War; Civil Rights Movement; Vietnam and Counterculture Movement; Modern Day Issues. Students focus on the social, political, 47 and economic effects of these issues as well the effects on disadvantaged social groups.
Economics * (Semester) is the study of how people choose to use resources. Using that as a starting point, students will explore the operations and institutions of economic systems, as well as studying basic economic concepts, government involvement through taxes, individual and corporate economic behavior, global economic concepts, and personal finance.
American Government * (Semester) is designed to explore the origins, development, structure, and functions of the U.S. Federal Government. Topics include the constitutional framework; federalism; the three branches of government, including the bureaucracy; civil rights and liberties; political participation and behavior; and policy formation. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts and participatory processes of the American political system. Basic concepts of state and local government and their relationships with the federal government are also examined.
All students taking original credit math will complete semester courses regardless of which secondary school they attend.
Algebra I : Instruction will focus on four critical areas: (1) deepen and extend understanding of linear and exponential relationships; (2) contrast linear and exponential relationships with each other and engage in methods for analyzing, solving, and using quadratic functions; (3) extend the laws of exponents to square and cube roots; (4) apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend.
Geometry is the second course in a five-year sequence of college preparatory mathematics courses that starts with Algebra I and continues through Calculus. Geometry aims to formalize and extend the geometry that students have learned in previous courses. It does this by focusing on establishing triangle congruence criteria using rigid motions and formal constructions, building a formal understanding of similarity based on dilations and proportional reasoning, developing the concepts of formal proof, exploring the properties of two and three dimensional objects, working within the rectangular coordinate system to verify geometric relationships, proving basic theorems about circles, and using the language of set theory to compute and interpret probabilities for compound events.
Algebra II is the third course in a five-year sequence of rigorous college preparatory mathematics courses that starts with Algebra I and continues through Calculus. Algebra II aims to apply and extend what students have learned in previous courses by focusing on finding connections between multiple representations of functions, transformations of different function families, finding zeros of polynomials and connecting them to graphs and equations of polynomials, modeling periodic phenomena with trigonometry, and understanding the role of randomness and the normal distribution in making statistical conclusions.
English is not offered as Original Credit during summer - Classes are for Grade and Credit Recovery Students Only
English 9 is a comprehensive English language arts program, which focuses on responding to literature through reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
English 10 is a world literature survey class that emphasizes the writing process and grammar through usage for lifetime communication skills. Students will focus on interpreting literature through essay writing and discussion.
English 11 surveys American literature from 1604 to the present. The course will focus on literary analysis through research, composition, and discussion. Students will write formal and informal essays, conduct research, and participate in oral language activities.
English Language Development (ELD) - English Language Development instruction is based on the English Language Development Standards and provides designated ELD. Students learn to be proficient listeners, speakers, readers and writers of the English language. All ELD courses incorporate literature, critical thinking, the writing process, grammar, and study skills instruction.
Non Departmental
Health - is an activity-based course aligned with the California State Framework. The student will learn how to make healthy personal choices related to the six components of overall health and wellness. The class will include injury prevention and first aid, human body systems and their functions, abstinence and building responsible relationships, pregnancy prevention, sexually transmitted infections, alcohol and drug education, and consumer and community health.
PE Course 1 - The primary content of this course will include instruction in the following: rhythms and dance, aquatics, combatives, recreational games, and individual and dual activities. Students will develop a personal physical fitness plan.
PE Course 2 - The primary content of this course will include instruction in the following: team activities, physical fitness, combatives, and gymnastics/tumbling. Students will develop a personal physical fitness plan. |